Matt Williams

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Photo Credit: Paramount Pictures.

July 29, 2024-

When it comes to movies, much focus typically goes on the ending because this is what everything is built towards beforehand. Audiences are excited for that final moment to wrap up a storyline, conclude things for the characters, and ultimately satisfy them with what they’ve watched. Unfortunately, there have been…

Photo Credit: 	Universal Pictures.

July 29, 2024-

Ultimately, the most crucial aspect of any movie is how much money it makes. Whether the budget is hundreds of millions of dollars or a small independent film, it’s all about making a profit. While blockbuster movies can achieve that by creating expensive marketing campaigns and…

Photo Credit: 20th Century Fox.

July 27, 2024-

In cinema, many movies choose to play things safe and not go outside of their comfort zone with the ideas they create. Whether that be the plots, characters, or settings, most films play inside the same box and dare not venture out. While that’s typically the…

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