18 Brilliantly Explained Movie Plot Holes You Probably Missed

As film fans, there’s nothing worse than a major plot hole that completely ruins an otherwise excellent film. But sometimes, these plot holes are anything but. From Titanic to The Dark Knight, here are some of the most infamous plot holes that are explained in the film itself.

Jack Could Have Fit on the Door in Titanic

Photo Credit: 20th Century Fox.

Perhaps the most infamous plot hole in cinema history, even Mythbusters, did an episode on it. Was there enough room for Jack on the door in Titanic? If it’s been a while since you’ve seen Titanic, here’s a little refresher. Jack did try to climb onto the door, but it couldn’t hold both their weights and toppled over. Without saying so explicitly, Jack decided to stay in the water and save Rose.

Elle Woods Would Never Have Gotten into Harvard in Legally Blonde

Photo Credit: MGM Distribution Co.

The biggest issue with this plot hole is that it contradicts the film’s whole message: don’t judge a book by its cover. While not your typical Harvard Law student, Elle Woods was smart, creative, and studied hard to pass her LSATs. From the beginning of the film, Elle proved her intelligence. Who can forget that infamous scene when she stands up to the salesperson who loves nothing more than “a dumb blonde with daddy’s plastic”? As for the LSATs, her career counselor explained in the film that she already had near-perfect grades, and she studied persistently with the help of her sorority sisters.

Why Did Buzz Lightyear Stop Moving in Toy Story?

Photo Credit: Buena Vista Pictures.

One major element of Toy Story is that Buzz is convinced he isn’t a toy. So, why did he stop moving like the other toys when a human walked in? While this one wasn’t explicitly explained in the film, Buzz did ask the other toys what the rules were, so one can only assume that the freeze rule was explained. Another theory is that a toy as smart and curious as Buzz could have imitated the other toys when Andy walked in.

How Did Andy Reattach the Poster in The Shawshank Redemption?

Photo Credit: Columbia Pictures.

After using a small rock hammer for many years, Andy successfully created a tunnel to escape the prison. But one thing that has bugged fans for years is the Raquel Welch poster he used to cover the hole in progress. After he escapes, the poster is seen in perfect condition, still covering the hole. But earlier in the film, we see Andy digging the hole with the poster hanging over him, suggesting that it was only attached at the top.

An Actor Wouldn’t Have Slept with Truman on the Truman Show

Photo Credit: Paramount Pictures.

Given that the whole point of the film was that Truman was unknowingly living his life in a TV show, it seemed a tad unrealistic that his wife, actually an actress, would have to sleep with him. But this was explained in the film. Firstly, the camera cuts when they go to bed, which is demonstrated when someone complains while watching the show. Secondly, Meryl explained she wanted a baby with Truman to continue the show, but Truman didn’t want one.

Why Did They Come to a Planet Filled with Water in Signs?

Photo Credit: Buena Vista Pictures.

There are several theories for this plot hole, one being that the creatures were actually demons, not aliens and that holy water killed them. But a survivor on the radio explained a simpler reason towards the end of the film. The aliens were never interested in Earth but in harvesting humans.

Marty’s Parents Would Have Recognised Him in Back to the Future

Photo Credit: Universal Studios.

This is another one that isn’t technically explained in the film but is fairly obvious. Why didn’t Marty’s parents recognize him in the future as the same person who set them up in the past? It’s important to remember that the events of BTTF only lasted eight days. This means that the chances of his parents remembering exactly what “Calvin,” the stranger they met when they were 17, looked like years later are unlikely. Writer Bob Gale recently confirmed this theory.

Claire Would Never Have Outrun the T-Rex in Jurassic World

Photo Credit: Universal Pictures.

There’s a rather simple explanation for this one. She wasn’t running from the T-Rex; she was leading it. Earlier in the film, it was explained that they used flares to lead the T-Rex to its food. Let’s face it: if Rexy had wanted to catch Claire, she would have.

How Did Sarah Connor Know Which Button to Press in The Terminator?

Photo Credit: Orion Pictures.

Sci-fi and action films use this trope regularly when the hero or heroine manages to save the day at the last second, somehow knowing exactly what to do despite having no previous experience or knowledge. But this isn’t the case with The Terminator. Just moments before, Sarah accidentally pressed the button, alerting The Terminator of their location.

Nobody Heard Him Say Rosebud in Citizen Kane

Photo Credit: RKO Radio Pictures.

Many people forget that Citizen Kane wasn’t alone when he whispered his final words. It’s explained in the film that Kane’s butler was in the room and heard him say Rosebud. The butler quotes, “He just said Rosebud, then he dropped the glass ball, and it broke on the floor.”

Katniss Would Never Have Agreed with Coin in Catching Fire Part II

Photo Credit: Lionsgate.

Why would this heroine, who survived the Hunger Games twice, agree with Coin’s plan to have one last symbolic Hunger Games with the Capitol’s children? It wasn’t out of character for one simple reason: she never actually agreed. Instead, it was a ploy to get Coin to allow her to execute President Snow so she could execute Coin at the same time. She only agreed to avoid suspicion.

Why Didn’t They Just Train the Astronauts in Armageddon

Photo Credit: Buena Vista Pictures Distribution.

Firstly, the drillers were only trained to spacewalk and drill in space. Secondly, they tried to train Astronauts to drill, but they failed. It was explained that considering their time crunch, it was quicker to train drillers to spacewalk than to use the complicated drill needed for the mission.

Cinderella’s Shoes Shouldn’t Have Stayed Glass in Cinderella

Photo Credit: RKO Radio Pictures.

At the stroke of midnight, everything the Fairy Godmother created reverted to its natural form, so why didn’t the slippers? The slippers had nothing to revert to; they were made from pure magic.

They Could Have Lived by the Waterfall in A Quiet Place

Photo Credit: Paramount Pictures.

While this is a reasonable question, considering that the waterfall was the only place they could speak and make noise freely, it’s not exactly doable. While screaming and talking are two things, building a house would most likely be too noisy and attract unwanted attention. Even director John Krasinski pointed out that breaking ground would be difficult given the monster infestation.

How Did the Joker Have a Knife in The Dark Knight?

Photo Credit: Warner Bros.

To escape his cell, the Joker uses a knife to take a cop hostage and make a phone call to detonate his bomb. But how did he get a knife when he was searched earlier in the film? The answer is simple: it’s not a knife but a shard of glass from the mirror Batman smashed his head into earlier in the scene. You can see the shard of glass sitting next to him while he’s goading the cop.

How Did He Not Realise He was Dead in The Sixth Sense?

Photo Credit: Buena Vista Pictures Distribution.

This one is actually explained not once but twice in the film. Firstly, Malcolm believes that his relationship with his wife is strained due to his job, which explains why his conversations are plausibly one-sided. Secondly, Cole explains early on that many of the dead people he sees don’t realize they are dead; Malcolm is one of them. Cole’s same monologue plays throughout the flashback scenes, tying the film together.

How Did Michael Learn How to Drive on Halloween?

Photo Credit: Dimension Films .

Incarcerated between the ages of 6 and 21, it doesn’t seem plausible that Michael would be able to steal the car and escape back to Haddonfield. Although not explicitly explained in the film, Dr. Loomis does suggest that someone in the mental hospital gave him lessons. It is also suggested that Michael learned from Loomis himself by watching him drive as they traveled to hearings. Either way, it’s no surprise that a being as intelligent and observant as Michael would quickly pick up such a skill.

Daniel Would Have Been Disqualified in The Karate Kid

Photo Credit: Columbia Pictures.

There is often a lot of confusion about this one. Firstly, the kick wasn’t an illegal move, so he shouldn’t have been disqualified. Secondly, not only did Mr. Miyagi teach Daniel how to make the move earlier in the film, but many others scored with kicks to the face in the tournament.

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Amy Watkins

Writer & Blogger

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