21 Movies Guaranteed to Make You Ugly Cry

Let’s face it – sometimes, we just need a good cry, and what better way to start the waterworks than a movie with a heart-wrenching ending? Grab your tissues and get for an emotional ride as we look at 21 movies that master the art of the sad ending. Be careful – there’s plenty of tears and spoilers ahead!

The Green Mile

Photo Credit: Warner Bros.

Who would’ve thought a movie about a gentle giant with supernatural healing powers would have us in tears by the end? In “The Green Mile,” Michael Clarke Duncan’s character, John Coffey, gets dealt a completely unfair card by fate. It’ll leave you questioning humanity and the legal system through tears of sadness.


Photo Credit: 20th Century Fox.

You’d think a movie about a ship sinking wouldn’t surprise you with its ending, but here we are, tissues in hand! Whether it’s Jack sinking slowly down into the ocean or Rose’s bedside table, cluttered with photos of her living the life Jack wished for her, every part of the ending is a tear-jerker. The characters may be fictional, but the Titanic’s loss of life was all too real.

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

Photo Credit: Miramax.

Just when you thought a film couldn’t twist the knife any further, this one goes and proves you wrong. The story of an innocent friendship across the fences of a concentration camp ends in a way that’s so heart-shattering that you’ll need a moment to remember it’s just a movie. But then you remember the history behind it, and – well, pass the tissue box, please.

Marley & Me

Photo Credit: 20th Century Fox.

What starts off as a funny movie with a side of puppy-induced chaos gently guides you into a sob story about how life is short. The scene where the family says their final goodbyes to Marley will have you crying into your pet’s fur. Just thinking about the ending has got us welling up – no wonder people on Twitter called it the saddest movie ever.

A Star Is Born

Photo Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures.

This film takes you through almost every emotion possible, ending with a finale that punches you right in the feels. As Ally’s star rises, Jack’s fades, and we see him make a decision that’ll change how you think about love forever. It’s a sad reminder that behind the glitz and glamour, people are fighting their own battles in the shadows.

Schindler’s List

Photo Credit: Universal Pictures.

If you thought you were just signing up for a history lesson, think again. In this film, Spielberg shows the horrors of the Holocaust with a personal touch that leaves you haunted long after the credits roll. Schindler’s breakdown, realizing he could have saved more lives, is the kind of moment that stays with you.

Manchester by the Sea

Photo Credit: Amazon Studios.

This movie takes the cake for showing how to deal with grief poorly. Watching Casey Affleck’s character muddle through life with the weight of his past is completely gut-wrenching. You know it’s going to end badly, yet you can’t look away. Sometimes, life doesn’t give you a second chance.

Brokeback Mountain

Photo Credit: Focus Features.

The film tricks you into thinking you’re watching a beautiful story of love blossoming in the least likely of places. However, by the end, reality comes crashing down. It leaves you mourning what could have been for Jack and Ennis. Grab your cowboy hat and a box of tissues – this one’s a doozy.

The Fault in Our Stars

Photo Credit: 20th Century Fox.

In a cruel twist of fate, the movie dares to ask, “What if your first love was also your last?” Watching Hazel and Gus celebrate their fleeting moments together as they both deal with cancer is both breathtaking and tragic. By the time the credits roll, you’re left with a heart full of love and a lap full of tissues.

Million Dollar Baby

Photo Credit: Warner Bros.

Eastwood gave us the ultimate curveball with “Million Dollar Baby!” The film begins by making you think you’re getting a heartwarming underdog story before quickly yanking it away. Maggie, the waitress turned boxer, dreams big and hits hard, only to have fate deliver a knockout blow. It’s a sobering reminder of just how unpredictable and sometimes unforgiving life truly is.

My Girl

Photo Credit: Columbia Pictures.

“My Girl” tackles the idea of young love and loss in one of the most heartbreaking ways possible. We watch Vada’s bittersweet journey of growth and grief as she learns about the harsh reality of life. By the time you see Thomas J.’s tragic accident, you’re guaranteed to be a blubbering mess.

Grave of the Fireflies

Photo Credit: Toho Company.

This animated story about the impact of WWII on Japan would be sad enough if told by adults. But the fact that it’s told through the eyes of two siblings makes it even more haunting and mesmerizing. By the end, you’ll have a lump in your throat as you see the beauty of life contrasted with the brutality of war.

Romeo + Juliet

Photo Credit: 20th Century Fox.

Luhrmann’s “Romeo + Juliet” is a modern take on Shakespeare’s classic tragedy, but that doesn’t make it any less sad. The young lovers’ fates, sealed by miscommunication and family feuds, seem even more tragic in a modern-day setting. Even 25 years later, the film is just as upsetting as when it was released.

The Notebook

Photo Credit: New Line Cinema.

Imagine a love so strong that it lasts through decades, illnesses, and even memory loss. That’s Noah and Allie for you! After a lifetime of love, they leave this world together in the most peaceful yet heart-shattering way. It’s the ultimate “till death do us part,” making you wish for a love that deep, minus the moments where you’re crying your eyes out.

Les Misérables

Photo Credit: Universal Pictures.

“Les Misérables” is the definition of a bittersweet symphony. Characters like Valjean, Fantine, and Eponine sacrifice everything for love, justice, and a shot at redemption, leaving us humming tunes of their unfulfilled dreams. It’s a rollercoaster of highs and lows, with a finale that feels like a punch in the gut.

Requiem for a Dream

Photo Credit: Artisan Entertainment.

By the end of this film, you’ve seen dreams crumble under the weight of addiction, leaving each character isolated in their own nightmare. It’s like watching a train wreck in slow motion, knowing you can’t do anything but watch as everything that once held promise turns to dust. Sadly, not all dreams have happy endings.

Life Is Beautiful

Photo Credit: Miramax.

Who knew a film could make you crack up one minute and bawl your eyes out the next? “Life Is Beautiful” does just that by showing a father trying to keep his son shielded from the horrors of a concentration camp with nothing but love and imagination. And that ending? It’s the definition of heartbreak, showing just how far a parent will go to protect their child.

Old Yeller

Photo Credit: Walt Disney Studios.

“Old Yeller” is like that first childhood lesson in mortality that nobody asked for but everyone got. After bravely defending his family, the beloved dog faces a tragic end, teaching us all about the responsibilities that come with love. It’s such a powerful ending that the Library of Congress decided to preserve it in the National Film Registry.

Saving Private Ryan

Photo Credit: Paramount Pictures.

This film drops you in the thick of WWII, only to leave you thinking about how ugly war truly is. After an intense journey through the battlefield, the realization hits – countless sacrifices were made for the life of one. That final scene, with an older Ryan asking if he’s lived a life worth those sacrifices, hits you right in the feels, leaving you to reflect on the price of freedom.

Bridge to Terabithia

Photo Credit: Buena Vista Pictures Distribution.

This film lures you in with the promise of adventure and the magic of friendship, only to end with a harsh lesson in loss and the importance of imagination. Leslie’s untimely death shatters both Jess’s and the audience’s world, teaching us to cherish every moment. On the plus side, it reminds us to be a little more grateful for the friends we have.

United 93 

Photo Credit: Universal Pictures.

“United 93” is a powerful reminder of one of the most heart-wrenching moments in recent history – the September 11 attacks. As we see things unfold in real-time, we see the passengers’ brave attempt to reclaim the plane from the hijackers, ending with the screen going black as the plane crashes. Knowing it really happened makes things all that sadder.

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Michelle Smith

Writer & Blogger

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