Everyone has a favorite movie they can watch over and over. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for some films that missed the mark entirely. These movies, often intended to be blockbusters, have instead become infamous for their poor execution, baffling plots, or downright offensive content. If you ever need a guide on what to avoid, this list of 20 terrible movies will help steer you clear.
Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever

Lucy Liu and Antonio Banderas teamed up in Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever, but the movie was far from explosive. Its disjointed plot and lack of character development made it a critical and commercial failure. Quickly fading into obscurity, the movie failed to deliver any memorable action or drama despite its star power.

Elijah Wood starred in North, a family film that was anything but charming. The movie’s odd premise and poor execution left audiences and critics confused. Its attempt at being a heartwarming tale fell flat, making it a film that many wish had never been made.

Halle Berry’s Catwoman was intended to be a feminist icon, but the end result was very different. This ill-fated version of Catwoman turned into a cautionary tale of how not to adopt a comic book character plagued by a weak script, poor CGI, and a storyline that strayed far from the source material.
The Love Guru

Mike Myers attempted to recreate the magic of Austin Powers with The Love Guru but failed miserably. The movie’s humor fell flat, relying heavily on outdated and offensive jokes, while its lackluster plot and cringe-inducing moments made it an uncomfortable comedy to watch.
Battlefield Earth

John Travolta’s passion project, Battlefield Earth, based on the novel by L. Ron Hubbard, was an epic failure. The film’s convoluted plot, laughable dialogue, and poor special effects made it a box office bomb. Despite its ambitious goals, it is often remembered as a textbook example of a cinematic misstep.
Jack and Jill

Adam Sandler’s Jack and Jill is notorious for its lowbrow humor and poor storytelling. The film features Sandler playing both the titular roles, leading to a series of unfunny gags and awkward scenes. Its reliance on tired jokes made it a painful experience for audiences.
Movie 43

An anthology comedy film featuring an all-star cast, Movie 43 attempted to push the boundaries of humor. Unfortunately, it went too far in this attempt, resulting in a series of offensive and distasteful sketches.
The Room

Tommy Wiseau’s The Room has gained a cult following for all the wrong reasons. Its nonsensical plot, bad acting, and bizarre dialogue all contribute to its status as a favorite among bad movie enthusiasts. Despite its flaws, The Room’s charm lies in its earnestness and unintentional humor.
From Justin to Kelly

The musical romance starring American Idol’s Kelly Clarkson and Justin Guarini was a misguided attempt to capitalize on their fame. With its clichéd plot, lackluster performances, and uninspired musical numbers, this film would always be a critical and commercial disaster.

Mariah Carey’s Glitter aimed to showcase her acting talents but instead highlighted her limitations. Failing to connect with audiences on multiple levels, the film’s predictable storyline and lack of emotional depth secured its legacy as a failed vanity project.
Dragonball Evolution

Fans of the popular anime Dragon Ball were left disappointed by this live-action adaptation. Dragonball Evolution’s lack of fidelity to the source material, poor casting choices, and weak special effects made it a widely panned film.
The Last Airbender

In another example of disrespecting the source material, M. Night Shyamalan’s adaptation of the beloved animated series Avatar: The Last Airbender was met with widespread criticism. The film’s poor acting rushed storyline, and deviation from the source material alienated fans. It remains a prime example of how not to adapt a popular series.
The Happening

Another M. Night Shyamalan film, The Happening, is often criticized for its absurd plot and wooden performances. While the premise had promise, focusing on a mysterious phenomenon causing mass suicides, The Happening ultimately lacked the suspense and coherence of Shyamalan’s earlier works, leading to its status as a cinematic misfire.
Fifty Shades of Grey

Based on the best-selling novel Fifty Shades of Grey, it promised to be a steamy romance but fell flat. It provided little more than awkward dialogue, a lack of chemistry between the leads, and a problematic portrayal of relationships.
After Earth

Will and Jaden Smith’s sci-fi adventure After Earth failed to impress. The film’s predictable plot, weak character development, and uninspired performances led to its poor reception. Its lack of originality and emotional depth made it a forgettable entry in the genre.
Holmes & Watson

Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly’s highly anticipated comedic take on the classic detective duo was a major disappointment. Instead of delivering genuine laughs, the film’s forced humor, lack of a coherent plot, and poor execution made it one of the worst comedies in recent memory.

The live-action adaptation of the beloved musical Cats became a cinematic disaster for the ages, with Its unsettling CGI, incoherent plot, and bizarre musical numbers leaving audiences bewildered.
Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2

This sequel didn’t fare any better than its predecessor, which was already poorly received. Its absurd premise, poor special effects, and lack of genuine humor made it a painful watch, highlighting the perils of unnecessary sequels.
Jaws: The Revenge

As the fourth installment in the Jaws franchise, Jaws: The Revenge failed to capture the terror of the original or deliver any redeeming qualities. A lack of suspense combined with a ridiculous plot and poor special effects makes it a disappointing end to the series.
Highlander II: The Quickening

Highlander II is almost absurd in its awfulness, often cited as one of the worst sequels ever made. The film’s convoluted plot, inconsistent tone, and departure from the original’s lore alienated fans. Its failure to build on the first film’s success left a lasting negative impression.