23 Movies Adults Love but That You Shouldn’t Let Your Kids Watch

Movies we cherish as kids tend to have a lasting impact on us, providing nostalgic moral lessons we carry into adulthood. However much we loved them as children, some of these beloved films contain themes, scenes, or messages to which we might hesitate to expose our kids. Here are 23 beloved movies that many parents today would think twice about before letting their kids watch.

Fight Club

Photo Credit: 20th Century Fox.

Offering a dark and twisted exploration of masculinity, violence, and mental illness, Fight Club isn’t known for its child-friendly scenes. After all, you wouldn’t want your children starting underground fight clubs in the basement to the soundtrack of the Pixies classicWhere Is My Mind.” 

American Psycho

Photo Credit: Lions Gate Films.

While Christian Bale’s performance in American Psycho is nothing short of mesmerizing, the film’s graphic violence and explicit content make it clear that it’s strictly for adults. Patrick Bateman’s psychopathic antics are best left unseen by younger eyes.

Pulp Fiction

Photo Credit: Miramax Films.

Adults today know Tarantino’s Pulp Fiction as a masterpiece of nonlinear storytelling and colorful characters. But to our children, the extreme violence, profanity, and mature themes make it potentially upsetting. You definitely wouldn’t want your children quoting Samuel L. Jackson’s iconic lines.

Basic Instinct

Photo Credit: TriStar Pictures.

Featuring Sharon Stone in a role with audiences on the edge of their seats, Basic Instinct is an iconic tale of crime combined with raunchy scenes. The explicit adult content and intense themes make it unsuitable for younger viewers. It’s not the kind of film you’d want your kids re-enacting.

Reservoir Dogs

Photo Credit: Dog Eat Dog Productions.

Another Tarantino classic, Reservoir Dogs, is known for its ultra-violent heist story and gruesome killings with limited repercussions. While the dialogue and performances are stellar, the graphic content makes it a film for grown-ups only. It’s best to save the ear-slicing scenes for adulthood, and we wouldn’t blame anyone who skipped them altogether.

The Exorcist

Photo Credit: Warner Bros.

Regarded as one of the scariest movies ever, The Exorcist left audiences in the 1970s trembling with fear and reassessing their beliefs. The demonic possession and extreme horror elements are not something you’d want your kids to experience. Better to stick with friendlier ghosts for now or leave the supernatural content for a decade or two.

Eyes Wide Shut

Photo Credit: Warner Bros.

Stanley Kubrick’s final film, Eyes Wide Shut, delves into complex themes of sexuality in a haunting manner that sends shivers down your spine. The explicit content and mature themes make it clear why this film is unsuitable for young audiences.


Photo Credit: PolyGram Filmed Entertainment.

This 1996 black-comedy drama provides a gritty look into the dark world of drug addiction. Despite its humorous undertones, Trainspotting’s disturbing scenes and heavy themes can be triggering and are definitely not kid-friendly. This is a film best appreciated by an older, more mature audience.

Natural Born Killers

Photo Credit: Warner Bros.

Oliver Stone’s Natural Born Killers pushes the boundaries of storytelling with its controversial depiction of a violent couple on a killing spree. The intense violence and graphic imagery make it inappropriate for young minds.


Photo Credit: MGM.

It may have garnered attention for its explicit portrayal of Las Vegas life, but the mature themes and sexual content of Showgirls disqualify it from being a family movie.


Photo Credit: Paramount Pictures.

Although Clockstoppers seems like a harmless adventure, the idea of kids believing they can stop time whenever they please might not sit well with parents. It’s fun but perhaps better appreciated when they’re older.

A Nightmare on Elm Street

Photo Credit: New Line Cinema.

A Nightmare on Elm Street plants Freddy Krueger center stage, making him arguably one of the most iconic horror characters ever. But the film’s extreme horror and terrifying scenes are far too intense for children, who will be thankful you saved this film for when they’re much older.


Photo Credit: Tri-Star Pictures.

David Bowie’s eccentric performance in Labyrinth holds a special place in many hearts, yet its dark and eerie elements can be unsettling for young viewers. The film’s unsettling creatures and violent undertones are more suitable for an older audience who can appreciate its depth.


Photo Credit: Columbia Pictures.

While a fun-loving supernatural tale, Ghostbusters is widely considered a bit too spooky for younger viewers. It may be humorous to adults, but the ghosts and scary moments might be too much for young viewers to handle.


Photo Credit: Warner Bros.

Gremlins kicks off as a seemingly fun watch but quickly turns dark with its mischievous, havoc-causing creatures. The violence and frightening scenes led to the creation of the PG-13 rating, indicating it’s not for the youngest audience.

My Girl

Photo Credit: Columbia Pictures.

My Girl is an emotional film that deals with the adult themes of loss and death. The heart-wrenching scenes can be too intense for young children. It’s a movie that requires a certain level of maturity to fully understand and appreciate.

Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory

Photo Credit: Warner Bros.

While a classic for anyone who grew up in the 1970s, Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory features some dark and disturbing moments. The psychedelic tunnel scene, in particular, is quite intense and might be too much for young children.

Raiders of the Lost Ark

Photo Credit: Paramount Pictures.

Raiders of the Lost Ark is an adventurous film that many remember fondly. However, some scenes, such as the face-melting finale, are quite graphic and might be too scary for younger viewers.

The Dark Crystal

Photo Credit: Universal Pictures.

With its impressive puppetry, the Dark Crystal is another film that could be mistaken for kid-friendly, but its unsettling tone proves otherwise. The uncanny creatures and intense scenes make it better suited for older viewers who can handle its eerie atmosphere.

Return to Oz

Photo Credit: Walt Disney Pictures.

Return to Oz is a darker sequel to its predecessor, The Wizard of Oz, and offers some truly frightening moments. The wheelers and the witch’s collection of heads are scenes that might give young viewers nightmares.

Jurassic Park

Photo Credit: Universal Pictures.

Jurassic Park is an undeniably thrilling adventure, but the intense dinosaur attacks and suspenseful scenes can be quite scary for young children.


Photo Credit: Warner Bros.

Beetlejuice is a comedy with a dark twist. While it’s humorous, the spooky elements and some scarier moments might not suit younger kids. It’s a film that requires a bit of bravery to watch.

The Nightmare Before Christmas

Photo Credit: Buena Vista Pictures Distribution.

Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas is beloved for its unique animation and story. However, its dark and gothic style can be quite eerie for young viewers.

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Mandy Smith

Writer & Blogger

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