28 Supposed ’70s Hits That Were Truly Awful

The 1970s brought us some unforgettable films, from counter-cultural masterpieces to feel-good musicals. But unfortunately, not all of them have stood the test of time. Some movies were big hits back then, but now they seem pretty awful. Let’s dive into these 26 movies that haven’t aged well despite their initial success.

The Swarm

Photo Credit: Warner Bros.

This disaster film about killer bees invading America was a major letdown. Despite an all-star cast, it was more of a comedy than a thriller.

Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band

Photo Credit: Universal Pictures.

Turning the Beatles’ iconic album into a musical sounded like a good idea, but the movie was a total mess. It failed to capture the magic of the original music, leaving Beatles fans bitterly disappointed. 


Photo Credit: Universal Pictures.

This fantasy musical starring Olivia Newton-John tried to blend roller disco with Greek mythology, a combination few viewers expected or wanted. The end result was, unsurprisingly, a confusing and cheesy spectacle.

Lost Horizon

Photo Credit: Columbia Pictures.

The musical genre revived in the 1970s, leading to a steady release of remakes. But this remake of the 1937 classic was a critical disaster. The musical numbers were awkward, and the story lacked the charm of the original.

At Long Last Love

Photo Credit: Twentieth Century Fox.

Peter Bogdanovich’s attempt to create a modern-day musical was a flop. Both its lousy dialogue and musical numbers were poorly received.

The Concorde… Airport ’79

Photo Credit: Universal Pictures.

The iconic Airport series set the template for future disaster moves, with the first few films captivating audiences and keeping them on the edge of their seats. This fourth installment in the Airport series was more ridiculous than thrilling. The plot and special effects were laughable.

The Blue Lagoon

Photo Credit: Columbia Pictures.

While it was visually stunning, the story of two young castaways discovering love felt awkward and unconvincing. Since its release, The Blue Lagoon has been criticized for its sexualization of innocence, especially given that Brooke Shields was underage at the time of filming. 


Can’t Stop the Music

Photo Credit: Associated Film Distribution.

This musical featuring the Village People aimed to capture the disco era. It was over-the-top and didn’t resonate with audiences.


Photo Credit: Paramount Pictures.

This revenge story about a killer whale hunting down the man who killed its mate was unintentionally funny and lacked tension.

The Apple

Photo Credit: The Cannon Group.

A futuristic musical about a corrupt music industry was bizarre and confusing. It became a cult classic for all the wrong reasons.

The Wiz

Photo Credit: Universal Pictures.

This reimagining of The Wizard of Oz with an all-Black cast had great music but was bogged down by poor pacing and awkward moments.


Photo Credit: 20th Century Fox .

This sci-fi film starring Sean Connery was ambitious but was strange and hard to follow. From the floating stone head to Connery running around in a red loincloth, Zardoz is rarely taken seriously by critics. 

Message from Space

Photo Credit: United Artists.

Japan’s answer to Star Wars had poor special effects and a confusing plot, meaning it would never capture the same magic as its inspiration.

Disco Godfather

Photo Credit: Transvue Pictures.

Despite Rudy Ray Moore’s charisma, this film’s attempt to blend disco with an anti-drug message felt forced and fell flat.

The Great Gatsby

Photo Credit: Paramount Pictures.

This adaptation of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel lacked the emotional depth of the book. Despite a talented cast, it failed to connect with audiences.

The Pirate Movie

Photo Credit: 20th Century Fox.

This musical comedy was meant to be a fun take on Gilbert and Sullivan’s work but was silly and poorly executed.


Photo Credit: American International Pictures.

This American sci-fi film had a promising premise: it followed a scientist whose warnings about a meteor headed to Earth have been ignored. Unfortunately, despite its large budget and star-studded cast, this early disaster film was filled with clichés and poor dialogue.


Photo Credit: Crown International Pictures.

Mae West’s final film was a bizarre and uncomfortable experience. The plot was incoherent, and the humor didn’t land.

The Legend of the Lone Ranger

Photo Credit: Universal Pictures.

This attempt to revive the Lone Ranger franchise was a failure. The lead actor’s performance was widely criticized.

Battle Beyond the Stars

Photo Credit: New World Pictures.

This space cowboy flick follows a farm boy and a band of outlaws on their mission across the stars, but it falls rather flat. It is another Star Wars knockoff, with decent special effects but a predictable and uninspired story.

The Amityville Horror

Photo Credit: American International Pictures.

The Amityville Horror was an anticipated film that documented the horrific crime experienced by the Lutz family and alleged paranormal happenings. While it was a box office hit, this horror film lacked genuine scares and was overshadowed by better films in the genre.

Jaws 2

Photo Credit: Universal Pictures.

Following the success of Jaws, the sequel failed to capture the same tension and excitement. The story felt like a rehash of the original.

King Kong 

Photo Credit: Paramount Pictures.

This ambitious remake of the classic monster movie didn’t live up to the original. The special effects were good for their time, but the story and characters felt flat.

The Island of Dr. Moreau 

Photo Credit: American International Pictures.

This adaptation of H.G. Wells’ novel struggled to capture the horror and intrigue of the source material. It ended up being more campy than thrilling.


Photo Credit: New World Pictures .

Another Star Wars-inspired sci-fi film, Starcrash, had cheesy special effects and a nonsensical plot. It became a cult classic for its unintentional humor.

The Cassandra Crossing

Photo Credit: AVCO Embassy Pictures.

This disaster film about a virus outbreak on a train had an interesting premise but was poorly executed. The story was filled with clichés and lacked tension.


Photo Credit: Paramount Pictures.

Prophecy has been called The monster movie that needed a better Monster, which gives you an idea of its critical reception. This eco-horror film about a mutated bear terrorizing a forest was more laughable than scary. The special effects and plot were unconvincing.

Raise the Titanic

Photo Credit: ITC Entertainment.

This adventure film about raising the sunken Titanic ship was a box office bomb. The plot was unrealistic, and the special effects were lackluster, unlikely to transport viewers to the famous shipwreck.

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Mandy Smith

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