18 Unworthy Oscar-Nominated Movies of All Time

When people think about the Oscars, they assume every movie in the awards ceremony is fantastic. This is seen as the most prestigious night in Hollywood, and most films that win one are outstanding and worth watching. But there are more than just the winning movies involved in the night, as each category always has multiple films nominated. Over the years, some surprising films have snuck through the cracks to get an award nomination, often confusing people because they’re not good movies.

Doctor Dolittle

Photo Credit: 20th Century-Fox.

Starring Rex Harrison, this musical adventure was a notorious flop that almost sank Fox. But even though people didn’t go out to see the movie, it still received a whopping nine Oscar nominations, including Best Picture. Also, Doctor Dolittle won two awards, which remains a shock to most critics because it was a poor film.

The Greatest Show on Earth

Photo Credit: Paramount Pictures.

Cecil B. DeMille’s circus epic The Greatest Show on Earth is often named as one of the least deserving Best Picture winners. While visually spectacular, it was criticized for its thin plot and overacting, but that didn’t stop it from taking home the night’s top prize.


Photo Credit: 20th Century Fox.

Regarding special effects and CGI, James Cameron’s Avatar was groundbreaking and deserves praise for its achievements. But the story itself is a different question, with this movie running for too long and having many cliches throughout it. That’s why it was a surprise when it received nine Oscar nominations, and this movie won three.

The Blind Side

Photo Credit: Warner Bros.

Starring Sandra Bullock, The Blind Side was a heartwarming tale based on a true story. But it was labeled as simplistic by many critics, which is why the film being nominated for Best Picture was debated amongst people. Bullock’s performance also got her a personal nomination as Best Actress, but this is a movie that’s weak when compared to others that have been nominated in the past.

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

Photo Credit: Warner Bros.

Based on the novel by Jonathan Safran Foer, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close was intended to be an emotional story about a young boy coping with his father’s death on 9/11. Despite that, critics felt it was exploitive with the messages it tried to push, which is why people weren’t sure it deserved the Oscar nomination it received.

Fifty Shades of Grey

Photo Credit: Universal Pictures.

Adapted from the best-selling novel Fifty Shades of Grey, it was critically panned for its poor dialogue, lackluster performances, and implausible plot. While the book was popular and the movie did well at the box office, the fact it appeared at the Oscars was a shock. It did so via the Best Original Song category, showcasing that the film’s content wasn’t worthy of such an honor.


Photo Credit: Universal Pictures.

Waterworld was infamous for its massive budget and production issues. The film’s release was met with mixed reviews, praising its ambition but criticizing its script and pacing. The movie featured some brilliant stunts, which has led to Waterworld getting some theme park shows over the years. But that doesn’t mean the film itself is good enough to be considered by the Academy.

The Phantom Menace

Photo Credit: 20th Century Fox.

There are many incredible Star Wars movies, which is why the franchise has enjoyed so much success. But Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace is often considered to be the worst of the entire series. With stale performances and an overreliance on CGI, this movie is one that audiences and critics hated, which is why people will likely be shocked it had Oscar nominations, even though that was for the technical side of the film.

Con Air

Photo Credit: Buena Vista Pictures Distribution.

This action-packed film starring Nicolas Cage is often seen as a guilty pleasure. But its campy dialogue and over-the-top action sequences didn’t win over critics. Despite that, Con Ai did land a couple of Oscar nominations.


Photo Credit: Sony Pictures .

Adam Sandler has been involved in many incredible comedies, and while Click isn’t a bad film, it’s not one that people would assume could lead to an Oscar nomination. The movie surprised people when it was nominated for an Oscar for Best Makeup. It proves that even average films can wind up being nominated at times.

Patch Adams

Photo Credit: Universal Pictures.

Robin Williams’ performance in Patch Adams aimed to blend humor with heart, but the film was criticized for its overly sentimental and preachy tone. Despite this, it got nominated for Best Original Score, a nod that many found perplexing given the film’s overall reception.

Pearl Harbor

Photo Credit: Buena Vista Pictures.

Michael Bay’s Pearl Harbor was intended to be an epic war drama but was heavily panned for its historical inaccuracies and dramatic love story. The film received four nominations, winning for Best Sound Editing, which highlighted the divide between the quality of the movie itself and the technical aspects.

Green Card

Photo Credit: Buena Vista Pictures.

Green Card is a romantic comedy featuring Gerard Depardieu that was nominated for Best Original Screenplay. The film was seen as charming but unremarkable, making its nomination a surprise to many who found it lacking in originality.


Photo Credit: Warner Bros.

Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Eraser was an action-packed film that failed to impress critics. However, it secured a nomination for Best Sound Effects Editing, showcasing how action films can still be recognized for their technical achievements.

Batman Forever

Photo Credit: Warner Bros.

There have been many great Batman movies over the years, but Batman Forever isn’t seen as one of the strongest to have been created. While it did well commercially because it was a Batman story, it wasn’t received well critically, but that didn’t stop it from gaining three Oscar nominations.

I Am Sam

Photo Credit: New Line Cinema.

I Am Sam was met with heavy criticism, which is why people didn’t expect it to do well during awards season. Despite that, Sean Penn landed a Best Actor nomination, showcasing how he made an impact with his work.


Photo Credit: Paramount Pictures.

People don’t expect to see a movie nominated for an Oscar when it’s panned for offensive humor. Strangely, however, Eddie Murphy’s Norbit got one for Best Makeup.

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

Photo Credit: Paramount Pictures.

This sequel to the successful Transformers film was criticized for its chaotic plot and excessive action. Despite the negative reviews, it was nominated for Best Sound Mixing, even though it’s considered to be a poor movie.

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Matt Williams

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