16 Movies from 2019 That Were a Torturous Theater Experience

2019, a year that should have been a cinematic delight, but instead, it gave us cringe-worthy moments and laughable flops. From misguided sequels to poorly executed scripts, it was a rollercoaster of disappointment. Join us as we unravel the 16 worst movies of 2019, a journey through Hollywood’s epic fails.

1. Joker

Photo Credit: Warner Bros.

This is a movie that divided a lot of Batman fans. It’s a dark movie that looks at the origin of The Joker. The horror and violence are what are upsetting for many viewers. Also, there isn’t much action, so it comes across more as a drama. “This movie is terrible. I watched a man smoke 112 cigarettes and do a fake laugh for two hours,” one reviewer said.

2. Unplanned 

Photo Credit: Pinnacle Peak Pictures.

A woman who runs a planned parenthood center sees something that changes her view. It’s a biography and drama, which unintentionally becomes a comedy. Abby Johnson comes across as clueless regarding legal procedures around parenthood. There is narration throughout the film which becomes unbearable. Many consider this as propaganda around abortion.

3. Hellboy 

Photo Credit: Lionsgate Films.

As the third installment of the movie franchise, it is a generic film. That’s due to the lackluster script. It is a mish-mash of a storyline and Hellboy isn’t as charismatic as he was in the previous movies. A critic says “I expected this to be better than the first two. Nope corny jokes, corny storyline. Nothing about this movie was enjoyable.”

4. Night Hunter

Photo Credit: Saban Films.

This movie is a mess. Everything is disjointed and confusing. For an action movie, the pacing is slow and replete with conversations. The bad guy is a conglomerate of all the villainous stereotypes you can think of. “This film had potential, but then they ruined it with the disgusting way that they portrayed dissociative identity disorder and other mental illnesses,” wrote one reviewer.

5. Jacob’s Ladder 

Photo Credit: Vertical Entertainment.

A soldier returns from war and struggles with psychological issues stemming from his time in combat. Yes, it’s another remake because Hollywood is all out of ideas. This offering lacks the substance of the original (which considers the existential questions around life and death). Some scenes are copied from the first movie. However, these feel like they have been forced in for the simple fact to let people know it’s a remake. “See the original and dump this travesty of a remake!” suggests a film buff.

6. Corporate Animals

Photo Credit: Screen Media.

A group of people on a corporate retreat get stuck in underground caves in Mexico. What a cool idea for a comedy. “Corporate Animals” does have its moments, but overall it’s the loose plot and directing that lets this movie down. Also, its over-reliance on profanity distracts from the film. As one reviewer points out “…take the f-bomb out and the script would be three pages long”

7.  After

Photo Credit: Aviron Pictures.

Based on the novel by Anna Todd, a young woman falls for a guy with a dark secret. The movie is long and tedious. The dialogue is constantly interrupted with montages which act as time fillers rather than adding to the story. It’s aimed at a teen audience which is shocking for many. That’s because it is sending the wrong message to young females. Don’t let anyone in your house watch this junk.

8.  Men In Black: International

Photo Credit: Sony Pictures.

A lame attempt to reboot the MIB franchise. It is full of predictable action and plot twists. The acting is below par. Half an hour into this movie you will be wondering what it is about. It’s a sequel that nobody other than the movie studio wanted.

9. Patrick

Photo Credit: Paradiso Entertainment.

A nudist guy does to look for his hammer. Makes you wonder how desperate people are to make a film. As you can tell it’s full of nudism. Don’t waste your time…

10. The Last Laugh

Photo Credit: Netflix.

A couple of senior citizens decide to go on a national comedy tour. Chevy Chase and Richard Dreyfuss turn in good performances. Sadly, the script is atrocious so the actors have little gold to work with. Also, it’s a predictable movie which detracts from any sense of excitement.

11. Rambo: Last Blood

Photo Credit: Lionsgate.

Rambo is trying to enjoy his retirement in peace. Yet, when his granddaughter goes missing in Mexico he goes into action. It’s a passable watch for Rambo fans. Yes, he is older which can make this more of a cringe to see. It does have a “Taken” vibe to it and offers the same old action cliches.

12. Charlie’s Angels 

Photo Credit: Sony Pictures.

Oh no, another lame attempt to reboot a franchise! The film is all over the place and isn’t sure what it wants to be. The characters are thin. There is so much that is outrageous and ridiculous. “Charlie’s Angels” wants to portray girl power but takes the message too far.

13. The Fanatic

Photo Credit: Quiver Distribution.

An action hero is stalked by a fan. John Travolta gives a respectable performance. The movie casts mental illness in a negative light. There are a lot of humorous moments in the film, but it’s a horror! “Embarrassing and shameful acting in one car crash of a film,” one reviewer wrote.

14. Shaft

Photo Credit: Warner Bros.

Samuel L. Jackson is a cyber security expert who asks his family to help uncover the cause of his friend’s death. “Shaft” is entertaining and funny, yet the jokes fall flat at times. What is upsetting is the racial message that it sends regarding whites. You also have stereotypical characters. Many will tell you they felt shafted watching this.

15. Cats

Photo Credit: Universal Pictures.

A film version of the hit musical. The thing is that it should never have been made into a movie! The costumes and sets are enough to give you nightmares forever. They are that scary. One reviewer said “I used to be a wholeheartedly christain mother. I then watched this movie and became an atheist. No loving god would put us on a planet with the likes of this.” There is nothing of substance at all in this movie.

16. Domino

Photo Credit: Saban Films.

A cop seeks justice after his partner is murdered. Yawn…that has been the plot of so many movies it’s a tired cliche. Brian De Palma directs this, but it’s one of his worst attempts. The pacing is disjointed and the script is lacking. It’s obvious that no one has a clue about how real-life police act at a crime scene. The acting is wooden and there seems to be some obsession with tomatoes. This is one domino that fell at the box office.

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Richard Vincent

Writer & Blogger

Richard Vincent is a passionate cinephile dedicated to creating a vibrant community for film enthusiasts. Through our platform, Shah strives to cultivate a space where individuals can engage in meaningful exploration, discussion, and celebration of the enchanting world of cinema.

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