18 Epic Movie Flops That’ll Leave You Demanding a Refund

If you’ve ever watched a movie and felt you deserved a refund, you’re not alone. Movies can fail for several reasons, including poor writing, bad acting, or overinflated budgets. Let’s look at some of the biggest flops of all time.


Photo Credit: Warner Bros.

Starring Halle Berry, this superhero film was considered one of the worst comic-based film adaptations of all time. It disappointed audiences with its weak plot, cringe-worthy dialogue, and lackluster action scenes. It didn’t do wonders for Halle Berry’s career, that’s for sure.


Photo Credit: Universal Pictures.

Despite the hate the movie received at the time, largely due to its eighty million dollar budget, critics have surmised that Waterworld might be gaining a resurgence. You may howl at the concept, but it might have failed for all the wrong finance-related reasons. Either way, it was one of the biggest flops in the box office to date.

The Last Airbender 

Photo Credit: Paramount Pictures.

Directed by M. Night Shyamalan, this popular animated series adaptation failed to capture the original’s magic and received numerous complaints for whitewashing. The performances were wooden, and the special effects were dire—not good news for this once-celebrated director.

Fantastic Four

Photo Credit: 20th Century Fox.

Despite a talented all-star cast including Miles Teller, Kate Mara, Michael B. Jordan, and Jamie Bell, this superhero reboot was plagued by a terrible script, shoddy CGI, and an overly rushed production. At least it looked as though it was rushed. There were clashes between the writer and director, which might have accounted for this royal shambles.

Batman & Robin 

Photo Credit: Warner Bros.

Starring George Clooney as Batman and Arnold Schwarzenegger as Mr. Freeze, the superhero film was slated for its campy tone, cheesy one-liners, and over-the-top costumes. You’ve either got it as Batman, or you haven’t. George Clooney, despite his charisma, just didn’t have it.

Green Lantern

Photo Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures.

Ryan Reynolds’ star power just wasn’t sufficient to hold this flop together, and the superhero film failed to impress audiences with its weak script and bland characters. Luckily, he clawed his way back up with Deadpool, but Green Lantern stayed right at the bottom of any best movie lists.

The Lone Ranger 

Photo Credit: Walt Disney Studios.

One of Johnny Depp’s rare but poorer casting choices, this Western adventure film was criticized for its painful 2.5-hour runtime and cultural insensitivity. Johnny Depp tried to work his magic by stating that he was of Cherokee blood, but the face-darkening makeup didn’t fool us.


Photo Credit: Sony Pictures.

Starring Hollywood lovebirds Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez, this painfully poor romantic comedy was panned by critics and audiences alike for its cringe-worthy dialogue and confusing plot. Some said their post-Gigli break-up was a publicity stunt to boost the movie’s popularity, but that would surely never happen in Hollywood.

Battlefield Earth 

Photo Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures.

Starring John Travolta and based on the novel by L. Ron Hubbard, this sci-fi film was universally derided for its over-the-top acting and amateurish production values. John Travolta got slightly over-excited at his newfound fame following Pulp Fiction and made a bad decision.

The Adventures of Pluto Nash

Photo Credit: Castle Rock Entertainment.

There was a time when Eddie Murphy was more-or-less funding the box office with his movie hits, but that wasn’t the case with this poor sci-fi comedy. The movie was a critical and commercial failure due to its weak jokes and uninspired plot.

Cutthroat Island 

Photo Credit: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer.

When a movie bankrupts its production company before it even hits theaters, you know you’ve got problems. This pirate adventure film, Starring Geena Davis and Matthew Modine was a box office disaster. Losses were attributed to its bloated budget, invisible marketing, and lack of audience interest.

Speed 2: Cruise Control 

Photo Credit: 20th Century Fox.

Speed was a fantastic, high-speed adventure. Speed 2 was its polar opposite. Despite the return of Sandra Bullock, the action sequel failed to live up to the excitement of the original. The acting was flat, and the plot was too contrived.

The Love Guru 

Photo Credit: Paramount Pictures.

Mike Myers couldn’t save this poorly written box-office failure despite his success in Wayne’s World and Austin Powers. It might have called itself a comedy but was panned for its offensive humor, juvenile jokes, and lack of laughs. It marked a low point in Myers’ career.

The Postman

Photo Credit: Warner Bros.

It was one of those movies that seemed to disappear as quickly as it appeared, and that’s probably due to another overzealous budget. The dystopian movie, directed by and starring Kevin Costner, was slammed for its melodramatic storytelling and gross self-importance.

The Island of Dr. Moreau 

Photo Credit: New Line Cinema.

Starring Marlon Brando and Val Kilmer, this sci-fi horror film was doomed from the beginning. Behind-the-scenes drama included clashes between the director and cast and a whole array of personal issues.

Jonah Hex 

Photo Credit: Warner Bros.

Even if you’re a huge fan of Josh Brolin and think Megan Fox is a beauty, the movie still fails on every level. This comic book adaptation was a critical and commercial failure due to its thin plot, dull characters, and overall lack of excitement.

The Snowman

Photo Credit: Universal Pictures.

As a contender for the worst film of 2017,  this crime thriller starring Michael Fassbender was criticized for its convoluted plot, which left viewers baffled. The director, Tomas Alfredson, argued that time constraints meant the whole script couldn’t be filmed, and that’s why it bombed. That sounds like a pretty good reason.

John Carter

Photo Credit: Disney.

Despite its ambitious scope and impressive visuals, this sci-fi adventure film starring Taylor Kitsch was a box office bomb. Some said the sci-fi fantasy character John Carter wasn’t a popular enough brand; others said Taylor Kitsch wasn’t a big enough name to feature in a Disney movie. Either way, it flopped in style.

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