Matt Williams

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Photo Credit: Paramount Pictures.

July 13, 2024-

Many movies are hyped up by audiences worldwide, and some are deservedly so due to their entertainment. But that’s not the case with every film people talk about, as some fall into the hype without deserving it. While they might be good, they’re not as great as some people claim. The Notebook The Notebook…

Photo Credit: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer.

July 12, 2024-

Romantic comedies, or rom-coms, are supposed to be light, heartwarming, and full of laughs. They might seem like easy films to get right because many of them follow the same stereotypical plots, but the truth is that this is a tricky genre to crack. At the…

Photo Credit: Sony Pictures.

July 11, 2024-

Comedy and drama are often seen as opposites in entertainment, yet some comedians have mastered both. Being good at just one of those skill sets is challenging, so managing to thrive with both is particularly impressive and takes a talented individual. Only a few have excelled…

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