Mandy Smith

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Photo Credit: DreamWorks Distribution.

July 8, 2024-

Whether they’re outright villains or frustratingly passive, some movie characters are memorable for all the wrong reasons. They get under your skin, boil your blood, and leave you seething with rage. Here’s a look at 25 despised characters in film history and why they evoke such…

Photo Credit: Universal Pictures.

July 5, 2024-

The 1980s was an incredible time for cinema, with his rebellious decade producing iconic anti-war movies, gender-defying films, and transgressive horror. But while the 80s produced many memorable films that have become classics in the eyes of many, not all movies from this decade have aged…

Photo Credit: A24.

July 5, 2024-

As any movie lover knows, films have the power to transport us to different worlds and perspectives, offering eccentric experiences that leave us feeling disorientated. From the weird and wonderful to the downright peculiar, here are 23 of the strangest movies we’ve ever seen. Donnie Darko…

Photo Credit: Warner Bros.

July 3, 2024-

Movies can fail to meet our expectations in various ways, whether it’s weak dialogue, sub-pr directing, low-quality CGI, or disappointing performances. Some movies are so poorly executed that they are remembered for all the wrong reasons. Here, we explore 21 films that have earned the unfortunate…

Photo Credit: Warner Bros.

July 3, 2024-

Movies can become favorites for myriad reasons, but often, it’s down to expert casting. When it comes to movies, sometimes the perfect match between actor and role creates magic. Here’s a look at some iconic roles where actors left an indelible mark, making these characters unforgettable.…

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