22 TV Shows with Guest Stars To Rival the Main Cast

As any producer knows, adding guest stars is one of the best ways to keep a long-running show captivating. They often bring a fresh dynamic to TV shows, adding excitement and surprise to the series. From relatable sitcoms to gripping dramas, these guest appearances help to leave a lasting impression on new and old audiences. Here are 22 popular TV shows consistently featuring incredible guest stars, enhancing their narratives and adding depth to their arsenal of characters.


Photo Credit: NBC.

The beloved New York-based friendship group is famous for its parade of guest stars. From a young Brad Pitt to the comedic genius of Robin Williams, such appearances added unique flavors to the show’s episodes, building on existing dynamics and creating new laughs. Brad Pitt’s appearance as a high school friend with a vendetta against Rachel is still discussed today, while Robin Williams and Billy Crystal’s improvised scene remains a fan favorite.


Photo Credit: NBC.

Another popular sitcom based on real-life experiences, Seinfeld, featured memorable guest appearances that added to its absurd humor. Stars like Bette Midler, who played herself in the iconic softball game episode, and Bryan Cranston as the recurring character Dr. Tim Whatley brought additional layers of comedy toThe Show About Nothing.” 

The Simpsons

Photo Credit: Fox.

One of the Simpson’s most defining features is its staggering number of guest stars. From musical icons like Paul McCartney to actors like Patrick Stewart, the show’s ability to attract diverse talent has made it a cultural staple and added to its cult following. Notably, the series holds a Guinness World Record for the most guest stars in a TV show.

The Office

Photo Credit: NBC.

Known for its quirky mockumentary-style humor, The Office regularly added guest stars into the mix. Already famous for their own work, celebrities like Amy Adams, Idris Elba, and Warren Buffett have all graced the Dunder Mifflin office, adding their own comedic touch to the show’s already rich ensemble.

How I Met Your Mother

Photo Credit: CBS.

How I Met Your Mother and its narrative style lent itself to numerous guest appearances and famous cameos. Viewers were surprised when stars like Britney Spears, Katy Perry, and Bryan Cranston brought their own flavors of humor and intrigue to the series. Rather than being fleeting and inconsequential, these cameos added something new to the plot line and affected the narrative.

Law & Order Franchise

Photo Credit: NBC.

Renowned for its guest stars, the Law & Order franchise has added countless cameos to its thrilling crime stories. Notable appearances include Robin Williams, Angela Lansbury, and Philip Seymour Hoffman, all of whom deliver powerful performances that resonate with viewers.

Will & Grace

Photo Credit: NBC.

Navigating love and friendship in New York City is the premise of Will & Grace, leaving space in the plot for a few guest stars to show up. Legends of the pop world, such as Madonna, Cher, and Britney Spears, are just a few iconic figures who made guest appearances, contributing to the show’s vibrant and diverse storytelling.

30 Rock

Photo Credit: NBC.

Far from being just another workplace comedy, 30 Rock thrived on its parade of guest stars, including Al Gore, Oprah Winfrey, and Jennifer Aniston. Their appearances made sense, often bringing hilarious and unexpected moments that dovetailed the show’s satirical tone.


Photo Credit: NBC.

With a combination of action and comedy, Chuck was able to include guest stars to great effect. With features including Linda Hamilton, Scott Bakula, and Timothy Dalton, each guest brought a unique energy to the spy-themed show.


Photo Credit: Fox.

Perhaps the most famous teen musical drama ever, Glee showcased various guest stars from all walks of the industry, including Gwyneth Paltrow, Britney Spears, and Neil Patrick Harris. Each guest acted and performed various musical numbers, contributing to the show’s vibrant and heartwarming nature.


Photo Credit: USA Network.

Psych delighted fans with its thought-provoking writing and fantastic guest stars. Cary Elwes, John Cena, and Christopher Lloyd brought their diverse talents to the show, often participating in its playful and mysterious plots.


Photo Credit: NBC.

With a fantastic core cast to rely on, most Frasier fans could’ve gone without the addition of guest stars. But the fleeting additions of Patrick Stewart, Helen Mirren, and a recurring role by Bebe Neuwirth added sophisticated humor and depth to the sitcom.


Photo Credit: ABC Studios.

Famous for its unique take on hospital comedy, Scrubs seamlessly integrated guest stars into its goofy antics. Michael J. Fox, Brendan Fraser, and Heather Graham all graced the show, each contributing memorable performances that left viewers wanting more.

New Girl

Photo Credit: Fox.

Primarily filmed and set in Los Angeles, New Girl attracted diverse guest stars that fit the environment. Stars like Prince, Megan Fox, and Taylor Swift often led to some of the show’s funniest and most memorable moments.

The Big Bang Theory

Photo Credit: CBS.

The Big Bang Theory regularly featured guest stars from the science and entertainment worlds, perfectly complementing its nerdy protagonists. Stephen Hawking, Elon Musk, and Mark Hamill brought authenticity and star power, seamlessly blending with the show’s scientific humor.

The Love Boat

Photo Credit: ABC.

While decidedly vintage by today’s standards, The Love Boat is worth a rewatch for its array of guest stars. Characters were firmly situated on a cruise ship, allowing for a rotating cast of guest appearances such as Andy Warhol, Betty White, and Tom Hanks.

Murder, She Wrote

Photo Credit: CBS.

Murder, She Wrote featured an impressive lineup of guest stars, including Angela Lansbury’s real-life friends and Hollywood legends. George Clooney, Courtney Cox, and Leslie Nielsen each brought a touch of intrigue and glamour to the mystery series.

Road to Avonlea

Photo Credit: CBC

Often described as a hidden gem, Road to Avonlea is a Canadian period drama that featured guest stars like Christopher Reeve, Ryan Gosling, and Stockard Channing. These appearances added depth and diversity to the show’s heartfelt narratives and historical backdrop.

Modern Family

Photo Credit: ABC.

Its comic family dynamics may go down in history, but let’s not forget the hilarious cameos. Modern Family welcomed guest stars like Elizabeth Banks, Nathan Lane, and Jesse Eisenberg. Their roles often brought new dimensions to the show’s existing relationships, enhancing the comedy and drama of the series.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Photo Credit: Fox .

Iconic New York-based police comedy Brooklyn Nine-Nine is known for its humor and diverse guest stars, including Maya Rudolph, Nick Offerman, and Eva Longoria. These appearances often led to some of the most hilarious and memorable episodes.

Grey’s Anatomy

Photo Credit: ABC.

Grey’s Anatomy’s hospital setting has made it known for its emotional storytelling, with guest stars bringing intense performances to the medical drama. Actors like Mandy Moore and Geena Davis played critical roles in the series, often in storylines highlighting the show’s dramatic and heart-wrenching moments.


Photo Credit: NBC.

Community embraced its offbeat, quirky style with a slew of guest stars who perfectly matched itsexpect the unexpectedtone. LeVar Burton’s cameo as himself led to one of the show’s most hilarious breakdowns, while John Goodman’s stint as the Vice Dean added a formidable presence to the Greendale campus​.

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Mandy Smith

Writer & Blogger

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